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Sandra Zoomers's Bounds
All public Bounds by Sandra Zoomers

Mental health promotion in the youth field in Orvelte
by Sandra Zoomers
Breakthrough Foundation (The Netherlands) and Think Forward (United Kingdom), together with the partners Kids in Action (Greece), Madiba (Italy), Youthopolis (Romania), Mazeli (Curacao), EduEra (Slovakia), Vice Verza (Czech Republic) and Go Europe (Germany) are organising a training course for youth leaders. This training will aim to have a positive impact on mental wellbeing & ending stigmatisation of young peoples’ mental illness.  This ActionBound is aimed to get to know the surroundings of...
Erasmusplus, MentalHealth, GettingToKnow, Orvelte
Hike and Bike Tilburg
by Sandra Zoomers
Tilburg city of Learning presenteert een eerste citygame. Fiets en wandel door Tilburg aan de hand van de opdrachten en leer jouw stad nog beter kennen. Beginpunt is in Witbrant en eindpunt bij Tilburg CS. Het accent ligt op fietsen, maar ook wandelen is mogelijk. Tussentijds is er plaats voor een terrasje. Veel speelplezier.
City game, Fietsen, Historie, Cultuur, Kunst
Orvelte museumvillage
by Sandra Zoomers
A bound build for international youth workers to explore the museum village Orvelte, The Netherlands.
#erasmusplus, #youthworkisfun, #digital, #haveyourbreakthrough
by Sandra Zoomers
A bound build for international youth workers to explore the museum village Orvelte, The Netherlands.
#erasmusplus, #youthworkisfun, #digital, #haveyourbreakthrough
by Sandra Zoomers
A bound build for international youth workers to explore the museum village Orvelte, The Netherlands.
#erasmusplus, #youthworkisfun, #digital, #haveyourbreakthrough
by Sandra Zoomers
A bound build for international youth workers to explore the museum village Orvelte, The Netherlands.
#erasmusplus, #youthworkisfun, #digital, #haveyourbreakthrough
by Sandra Zoomers
A bound build for international youth workers to explore the museum village Orvelte, The Netherlands.
#erasmusplus, #youthworkisfun, #digital, #haveyourbreakthrough
Pathways to Youth Work - Sleen
by Sandra Zoomers
During the Training Course Pathways to Youth Work, the participants will go through a leadership bound, discovering leadership and the nice little village Sleen
Getting to know
by Sandra Zoomers
This action bound is developed to use as a getting to know each other game during Erasmus+projects.